
How To Keep Exercising Even When On Vacation

Staying faithful to one’s fitness routine can already be hard enough even when one’s workout equipment and clothes are around. What more when one is on business travel or vacation? Here are some tips to keep exercising and staying fit even when one’s away from home.

Pack strategically

After packing all the clothes one needs for the trip, it’s time to add a pair of workout or sports shoes, which will encourage one to work out and remind one it’s always best to always get moving. Don’t forget a jump rope, resistance band, or any workout gear that can fit one’s suitcase.

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Work out inside the hotel room

Being in a hotel far from home or one’s local gym isn’t an excuse to be stagnant. Use streaming services to get strength training, kickboxing, yoga, or HIIT workout help in the comfort of one’s room. Bodyweight exercises such as pushups and sit-ups are also great options to stay in shape.

Use that fitness tracker

Don’t take off that FitBit when hitting the road, as it will act as a reminder to get moving if one has been too sedentary or has eaten quite a bit while vacationing. It’s also a great tool to determine one’s steps while exploring a foreign city.

Take advantage of the great outdoors

Walk on the beach, play beach volleyball, or do surfing, swimming, and snorkeling. All these can burn calories and help keep one’s fitness goals while having fun and meeting new friends and acquaintances.

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Just move!

Is shopping your cardio? That’s all right as long as you keep walking, taking the stairs, and avoiding sinful treats at the restaurants and food court. Any way to keep moving counts, especially while on that long-planned vacation.

Tup Ingram, M.D., is a reconstructive and plastic surgeon based in Nashville, Tennessee, with hobbies that include exercising, scuba diving, and flying. Visit this blog for similar reads.